Central to every human’s heart lies the question: “Why are we here? Why am I here?” An inquiry asked over and over for time immemorial. We forget the entire Universe is our creative partner. The dreams that we are dreaming are really dreaming US into being. Can we allow the Great Mystery to breathe life through us?

When Spirit brings a group of people together in a shared field, it unlocks a sacred potential for all of us. It has been my observation over the last decade of facilitating this work that individuals find me to be a part of a group experience and receive unique-t0-you guidance while I drop in to your unique signatures and speak to the themes arising, while providing opportunities for you to share and hone your voice, contributing to the mutual beneficence and reciprocity of the whole.

It is my intention to hold open a container for all of us to clean what is not for us and to get in touch with our soul’s true nature, leading to a more grounded sense of purpose.

Earth Temple is a calibration to the sacred cycles that we are always in rhythm with—the solar movement with the Earth that makes up our seasons, the solar movement with the cosmos that informs our astrology and the lunar movement that cycles energy in and out, working as a pump and filter for the psyche and internal waters.

Dream Keys Astral Mystery School is a lucid dreaming collective I have been shepherding for over 2 years now. We learn how to wake up to where we are still sleeping, using dreams as a lens into our inner worlds uncovering what has been hidden.

We will be discussing the Scorpio-Sagittarius seasons and eclipse astrology happening during this full moon 10/28-full moon 11/27 window, how we can receive empowerment from the stars and alchemize our lives by the guidance of these rhythms.

This container is about receiving support for your life path through ceremonial, alchemical attunement, mentorship, astrological teachings, and embodiment practices for microcosmic to macrocosmic humanitarian transformation. Our personal healing work becomes the change we wish to see in the world. 

What kind of tools might you learn through?

  • Physical detox recommendations

  • Daily mantra to tune your consciousness

  • Dreamwork to see your hidden magic

  • Expression prompts

  • Astrology to understand the cosmic forces at play & where to find your own empowerment

  • 1:1 Guidance

How are we coming together?

Course Materials will be sent via PDF.

Chat Group via Discord + Weekly Zoom Chats. Attendance Optional. Time TBD by the group.

The Creative Winter Journey