First, thank you for saying ‘yes’ to yourself, your intentions, goals, aspirations, visions and transformation. I am so honored you have chosen me to work with and am so excited to hold the container with and for you as we walk this path together. This is called Unknown Becoming because often who we think we want to be is just one part of who we really are.

Making friends with the Unknown is a lifelong skill that can help us in staying honest, crafting patience, awakening our true nature.


+Sat Kriya 3 minute or 11 minute practice. Your choice, what you have time for or feel called to drop into. To be done in the morning on an empty stomach.

Sat Kriya Instructional Video

Sat Nam means “I am truth” or “Truth is my essence.”

+Dream Moon Tracking. Choose how you will record your dreams—a written journal, digital journal like in a Google Doc or App, or Voice Memos. This is something we will be referencing so you will want to keep it as organized as is right for you.

Reference your DREAM ALCHEMY PLAYBOOK, a 3o-page PDF dream guide in your intro email for more tips on dreaming.

I like the Full Moon App for iPhone. Paid version is best. You can toggle between current month and see into the future as well. It tells moon phase plus astro sign and times when the moon shifts signs.

Record your dreams daily following this format. We will discuss dreams in session.

The heading of the entry will include the date, moon phase & sign, and your personal cycle.

Example format:

6/19/23 Waxing Crescent Cancer · Day 5 (bleeding again)

[Record your dream here.]


+Organic Green Coffee Enema Cleanse. Be sure to supplement with a pre and probiotic of your choice.

For coffee, use the one below and follow brew directions on bag. Do not use drinking coffee. I like to set up in my bathtub with no water in it for any potential mess. A towel or yoga mat on the floor works just fine too. I have done it both ways. Organic coconut oil on the tip of the applicator helps things run smoothly. In the video she says to hold for longer than I would. 10-12 minutes is ideal. When I first started 5-7 minutes was where I was at and that had amazing benefits too.


Enema Bag Kit

Organic Green Coffee

+Smoke Cleanse your home or space. Copal first, then cedar. Always speak your prayers over the cedar, be intentional and clear.

Shaman’s Market for Resins & More
